The Gimmee putting trainer is the ONLY putting aid that will eliminate the main cause of poor putting. And . .will teach you the technique used by most tour players and taught by practically all leading golf coaches. All In just minutes a day ! Sale ends Aug 15th.

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$ 49.99
How often have you been told to 'keep your head down' on putts. It is almost good advice ! But . . if you had been told to keep your head 'still' it would be great advice. The key is keeping your head 'still' - not just down. And the problem is that, since even the slightest movement of the head will affect the outcome, you may not even be aware that you are moving on a putt. The Gimmee's unique beam guarantees that you stay absolutely still throughout. No other putting trainer does this.

From Jack Nicklaus to Tiger Woods, all of golf's greats agree that it is impossible to be a good putter if you move your head.

The Gimmee putting aid will teach you to stay ABSOLUTELY still through the entire stroke. Guaranteed.

And . . you will develop the technique used by virtually all great putters.


1. You should set up with the eyes directly over the ball target-line. This is the ideal position for reading the line.

2. You must aim the club-face square to the target line.)

3. You should eliminate independent hand and wrist action - a major factor in poor distance control.

4. You should swing the club on the correct plane through impact to achieve the 'roll' that is a hallmark of good technique.

5. Your must swing along the correct path through impact.

6. You must develop a smooth, accelerating stroke through the ball.

With its immediate visual feed-back, The Gimmee Putting Trainer teaches all of the above - which is everything you need to become a really top-class putter.

Remember. . practice makes permanent. With The Gimmee putting trainer it will now make perfect.

It works. We guarantee it. And if you're not happy with the results, we'll give you your money back !

  • Develop the the key elements of the putting technique used by Tiger Woods, Nick Faldo, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player and . . Jason Day.
  • The Gimmee putting aid will teach you how to : ***Aim the club correctly. ***Set up correctly over the ball. *** Develop the smooth, one-piece putting action that is the hallmark of all great putters. *** Swing the club on the correct plane and path through impact *** Accelerate the club through the ball. And, above all, it will correct golf's most common - and destructive - fault. It will teach you everything you need to become a really first-class putter.
  • And CRITICALLY. . .The Gimmee is the ONLY putting aid that eliminates the fault that is responsible for more wasted shots than anything else in golf: 'head movement'. The Gimmee's unique, laser-like beam, will train you to stay as steady as a rock throughout the entire stroke. No more peeping. No more swaying. No more ruined score cards !
  • With the Gimmee you will develop the technique that works - and eliminate the faults that don't ! Simply and effectively. All without a single, technical instruction.
  • Please view the images on the left for the results of the independent tests conducted by some of the most respected voices in the golf industry.
Develop the the key elements of the putting technique used by Tiger Woods, Nick Faldo, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player and . . Jason Day.T3 Golf

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