Leonardo da Vinci - Study for 'The Last Supper (St. James the Greater) and architectural sketches' - circa 1495 - Red chalk, pen and ink - 'Leonardo Paintings and Drawings' 2004 Dover Pubs Inc - Postcard Print

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$ 0.98
Please note! This is NOT a book or pack of cards, but a single postcard for collectible, sentimental, historical, artistic, research, wall mounting or some other purpose, such as just sending to a friend. Glossy / semi-glossy multicolored / black & white postcard. New in new condition. Some cards may have light ink transfer on blank paper side from when they were stacked against each other right after printing. Ps - Just as Amazon's fixed shipping reimbursement can fall short of seller shipping costs for heavier items, reimbursement for lighter items may provide seller's only profit margin. Hence mega-sellers, unlike humble G-books_cards, can sometimes manage to eke out a profit by charging 1 cent. So please note Shipping Charges before buying. Wish it were otherwise, but, besides sale % going to Amazon, even items as light as fairy dust cost us the same in terms of labor hours for listing, describing, monitoring, etc.
  • New. Glossy, color, 3-7/8 x 5-3/8-in (including margins) postcard. 'Leonardo Paintings and Drawings, 24 Cards,' Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, 2004.
New. Glossy, color, 3-7/8 x 5-3/8-in (including margins) postcard. 'Leonardo Paintings and Drawings, 24 Cards,' Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, 2004.Dover Pubs

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