FESHFEN 25" 65cm Long Straight Hair Black And Gray Gradient Color Synthetic Wig Imported Japanese Heat-resistant Synthetic Hair Ombre Black To Grey Gray Wig with Middle Part Hair Bang

Store: amazon

$ 25.99
FESHFEN wig is of high quality, fashionable and stylish. FESHFEN wig gives you different feelings of yourself. Try FESHFEN, top service and quality belongs to you.
How to wear?
1. Take wig out from the packing, give it a few good shakes to release the default style.
2. Remove earrings and comb your own hair to remove knots and tangles.
3. Wrap your own hair tightly into a high ponytail and wrap a hairband around it, then separate it into two ponytails which are pulled tightly.
4. Wrap it around the base of your own hair ponytail, and place your fingers in the middle of the wrap to pull the end piece of the ponytail into the wrap to create a knot.
5. Press down on the bun, using bobby pins into the hair to secure the bun and keep it close to the skull.
6. Put on a wig cap on your head, push all strands of your own hair that are on the side, the back, and front of your head, under the cap, to create a smooth surface.
7. Comb the wig gently, and pull the adjustable straps to accommodate your head snugly inside the wig.
8. Hold the top and bottom part of the wig and pull it from the front of the head, then pull it back gently, adjust the wig to cover the cap and to fit perfectly around your head.
9. Pin the sides of the wig to the wig cap and to your own hair.
10. Finally comb the wig again on your head.
How to care?
1. Wash in cold or warm water with common shampoo. And comb it after it is dried but not immediately after washing by anti-static comb and avoid plastic combs.
2. Do not blow-dry the wig in heated air. And try to avoid hair driers but dry it by towels, and expose it to ventilated place to protect it from sunbathe directly.
3. Long wigs should be combed in several parts from up to down with patience.
4. Comb is needless for wavy wigs.
5. Non-oleaginous maintenance fluid enables the wig silky and shiny.
  • Wig color: black and gray wig
  • A Class quality high temperature resistant synthetic fiber makes it reusable, easy to maintain
  • Adjustable size control makes one size fit most people
  • To transform your look in seconds and provide secure and comfortable attachment for all day wear
  • Occasions: Halloween and christmas parties, fancy dress parties, themed parties, daily use or just for fun
Wig color: black and gray wigFESHFEN

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